Explore Lab Argumentation

Do you get what you paid for?


yes, you do get what you paid for you actually end up getting more than what you paid for.



  1. 30.40 grams                         
  2. 30.62 grams
  3. 30.50 grams
  4. 30.09 grams


  1. 1.54 grams
  2. 1.52 grams
  3. 1.51 grams
  4. 1.53 grams


  1. 28.86 grams
  2. 29.1 grams
  3. 28.99 grams
  4. 28.56 grams
Our precision was 0.54 which was more than .20


Accuracy- related to the actual value of the object measured. Precision relates to how small a value can be distinguished by the instrument.

We were trying to see if you actually get what you pay for & see how precise and accurate advertising is.

first we weighed the bag of chips to see how accurate the weight on the bag was, then we weighed the same bags but empty, after that we calculated how precise the weight was to see if you really do get what you pay for.


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