Explore lab changes in matter

Which changes are examples of a chemical change and which ones are an example of a physical change?

Claim- chemical changes occur when something that wasn’t there before a change in composition  is created and a physical change is just a change in appearance nothing new is created or found. 

Evidence- 1) 100g of water mixed with 5g of table salt - change in color 
2) a small wad copper wire is heated - change in color 
3) 5 drops of sodium hydroxide & 5 drops of copper nitrate mixed- liquid to a solid 
4) 5 drops of hydrochloride added to 2 g of sodium bicarbonate- bubbles , acid 
5) paraffin wax subjected to heat in a hot water bath- solid to liquid then back to a solid after cooled

Reasoning- chemical changes occur when there’s a change in composition such as change in color, bubbling, heating, etc. physical changes occur when there just a change in for such as liquid to a solid , freezing, heating etc. 


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